Biswanath 8UK Committee meeting 16th October 2018
Biswanath 8UK an organisation dedicated to working for the habitants of Biswanath held a Committee meeting on Tuesday 16th October 2018 at Italian Coffee House, Luton, United Kingdom.
This meeting was attended by S.I Khan, Monir Khan, MD Anwar Hussain, Sundar Ali (Nozrul), Azad Khan, Dilwar Hussain, Salek Chowdhury and Enus Ali.
The purpose of this meeting was to review progress of key Biswanath 8UK activities and new project proposals.
The committee discussed the success of the donations made to 64 disabled people in Biswanath and how we can help more people in the future.
Further discussions included new project proposals to raise funding for the organisation. These included Midwifery training, disabled people training and further tuition classes for primary schools in Biswanath.
The committee is planning a charity dinner party to be held in London to raise funds for one project selected by the organisation.
A meeting is planned for Tuesday 6th November in London to engage members outside of Luton and seek their feedback on future project plans and charity dinner party.
The organisation has been successful in gaining 10 lifelong members who have each contributed £500 towards the cause. These members are dedicated to helping this organisation succeed and are recognised below;
- Alhaj Monir Khan
- Alhaj Anwar Hussain
- Azad Khan
- Enus Ali (Somir)
- Salek Chowdhory
- Dilwar Hussain
- Sundar Ali (Nozrul)
- S.I. Khan
- Nanu Ahmed
- Alhaj Goyas Khan
If you wish to join this organisation please download, complete and submit the application form along with your admission fee.
About Biswanath 8UK
Biswanath 8UK is an organisation based in the United Kingdom with interests and ancestral roots in Biswanath Upozilla of Sylhet District, Bangladesh.
Biswanath 8UK is governed by its own members agreed constitution and this prohibits participation or support of any political or religious organisation and their activities.
Aims & Objectives
To unite all the habitants of Biswanath throughout the World, to work collectively to the development of its habitants, identify issues that relates to Biswanath, prioritise issues and find sustainable solutions that can be developed in a way that benefits the habitants of the Upojilla.
Learn from the history of Biswanath by highlighting the past achievements and focus on developing the skills and knowledge of the local habitants, improve computer literacy, establish local online e-commerce knowledge portal, provide vocational training, to allow habitants from Biswanath to communicate and trade throughout the World.