Biswanath 8UK Inauguration meeting 8th October 2017
Biswanath 8UK an organisation dedicated to working for the habitants of Biswanath held its Inauguration meeting on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Crescent Hall, Luton, United Kingdom.
This meeting was attended by our Chief Guests Chief Inspector Hob Hoque, Immigration Judge Belayeth Hussain, Police Officer Najmul Islam Khan, Senior Council Chair Professor Forid Ahmed, Senior Council member Dr M S Ali, Senior Council member Ridwan Ahmed, Executive Committee Chair Monir Khan, Vice Chair Sajjadur Rahman, Vice Chair Azad Khan, Vice Chair Abdul Majid, Secretary S.I. Khan, Treasurer MD Nanu Miah, Technology & IT Development Secretary Sundar Ali (Nozrul), Sports & Youth Secretary Azad Ali, Membership Secretary Salek Chowdhory, Fund Raising Secretary Habibur Rahman, Assistant Sports & Youth Secretary MD Abu Monsur, Assistant Organising Secretary Enus Ali, Founder Members, General Members and their guests and families.
The purpose of this meeting was to highlight the aims, objectives and achievements of Biswanath 8UK and Inaugurate the executive committee members and senior council members of the organisation.
Chairman Monir Khan
Chairman Monir Khan welcomed everyone to the event and provided and overview of the organisations aims and objectives and some of the projects planned.
Secretary SI Khan
Secretary SI Khan talked about the Midwifery project and encouraged everyone to support this initiative to help pregnant mothers and babies. This project plans to train midwifes to support pregnant mothers by providing advice and support.
Technology & IT Secretary Sundar Ali (Nozrul)
Technology & IT Secretary Sundar Ali (Nozrul) presented the organisations plan to setup a business innovation centre in Biswanath. He explained the need for such centre as there are many educated and skilled young people in Biswanath with not enough opportunities.
Vice Chair Azad Khan
Vice Chair Azad Khan talked about the Amtoil Project helping 72 disabled people in Biswanath. He also talked about the extra coaching classes pilot in four primary schools in Biswanath already started and our plans to expand to over 130 primary schools in the Upazila.
Treasure MD Nanu Miah
Treasurer MD Nanu Miah encouraged everyone at the event to support all the projects by donating as much money as they can and also to promote these projects to others. He stated that these projects can only be delivered if the community provided their full support.
Senior Council Member DR MS Ali
Dr MS Ali talked about the £1 Hospital and what they have achieved to date. He encouraged everyone to support this good cause by signing up for the £1 direct debit monthly payment. He also thanked Biswanath 8UK and its committee members for their dedication and project work. Dr MS Ali was presented with an award for outstanding achievements.
Immigration Judge Belayeth Hussain
Belayeth Hussain is a humble man and said he is first a solicitor and then an immigration judge.
He praised Biswanath 8UK for its achievements and thanked all the committee members supporting the event. Belayeth Hussain was presented an award for outstanding achievements.
Police Officer Najmul Islam Khan
Police Officer Najmul Islam Khan thanked the Biswanath 8UK committee members for inviting him to this event.
Najmul Islam Khan was presented an award for outstanding achievements.
Senior Council Chair Professor Forid Ahmed
Senior Council Chair Professor Forid Ahmed wanted to encourage everyone to support the extra coaching class project. He said education is key to the success and achievements of the next generation in Biswanath.
Senior Council member Ridwan Ahmed
Senior Council member Ridwan Ahmed congratulated the committee members for organising this event. Ridwan Ahmed was presented an award for outstanding achievements.
Vice Chair Sajjadur Rahman
Vice Chair Sajjadur Rahman thanked the committee for organising this event and encouraged everyone to support the £1 Hospital which he thought was a really good cause. Sajjadur Rahman was presented an award for outstanding achievements.
Chief Inspector Hob Hoque
Chief Inspector Hob talked about community policing and what they are doing to help the community. He encouraged young people in the room to consider joining the police service and help the community.
Chief Inspector Hob Hoque thanked the committee members for inviting him to this event and for their hard work in supporting their community.
The Chief Inspector was presented an award for outstanding achievements.
Biswanath 8UK Book
Final printed Biswanath book was placed on each table for all, members and guests to read
and take home. All members are encouraged to distribute the book and encourage others
to become members.
Rohingya Appeal & goody bags
We managed to sell over 25 T-Shirts at £15 each and distributed goody bags with mugs, booklet, pen and other materials. All profits from the T-Shirt sale would go towards the Rohingya appeal.
Quiz and Entertainments
Many children entered a quiz competition and the winners came up on stage and was handed over awards.
If you wish to join this organisation please download, complete and submit the application form along with your admission fee.
About Biswanath 8UK
Biswanath 8UK is an organisation based in the United Kingdom with interests and ancestral roots in Biswanath Upazila of Sylhet District, Bangladesh.
Biswanath 8UK is governed by its own members agreed constitution and this prohibits participation or support of any political or religious organisation and their activities.
Aims & Objectives
To unite all the habitants of Biswanath throughout the World, to work collectively to the development of its habitants, identify issues that relates to Biswanath, prioritise issues and find sustainable solutions that can be developed in a way that benefits the habitants of the Upazila.
Learn from the history of Biswanath by highlighting the past achievements and focus on developing the skills and knowledge of the local habitants, improve computer literacy, establish local online e-commerce knowledge portal, provide vocational training, to allow habitants from Biswanath to communicate and trade throughout the World.